Ficus Plants
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Supple Ficus Compacta Plant
Product Details:Plant Name- Song of India PlantPlant Type- Airpurifying FoliagePlant Placement- Indoors and Outdoors bothPlant Height- Upto 6 inchesNatural Jute wrapped Black Plastic Pot- 4 inchesVase..
Picturesque Ficus Ginseng Bonsai Plant
Product Details:
Plant Name- Ficus Ginseng Plant
Plant Type- Bonsai
Plant Placement- indoor/Outdoor
Height- Upto 10 inches
Jute Wrapped Plastic Pot with Green Rassi- 5.5 inches
Ficus Ginseng Plant T..
Ficus Crache Bonsai Plant
Product Details:
Plant Name- Ficus Crache
Plant Type- Bonsai
Plant Placement- Outdoor
Height- Upto 15 inches
Plastic Pot
Ficus Plants Trivia:
Origin- The Ficus Bonsai plant is native to Taiwan and ..
Ficus Compacta Plant In Metal Pot On White Rickshaw
Product Details:
Ficus Compacta Plant
Plant Type- Foliage/Airpurifying
Plant Placement- indoor/Outdoor
Height- 4 Inches
Silver Teak Metal pot- 3 Inches
White Color Cycle Pot Stand With Hearts
Plant Tr..
Ficus Compacta Plant In King Queen Pot Hand Delivery
Product Details:Plant Name- Two Layer Lucky Bamboo PlantPlant Type- Lucky BambooPlant Height- Upto 5 inchesPlant Placement- IndoorsSquare Glass Vase- 3 x 3 inchesHappy Birthday Peel Off StickerLucky B..
Ficus Compacta Plant In Happy Birthday Vase
Product Details:Ficus Compacta PlantPlant Type- Foliage/AirpurifyingPlant Height- Upto 4 inchesPlant Placement- Indoors & OutdoorsSquare Glass Vase- 3 x 3 inchesHappy Birthday Peel Off StickerFicus Pl..
Ficus Compacta Plant In Grey Fox Ceramic Pot
Product Details:Plant Name- Ficus Compacta PlantPlant Type- Foliage/AirpurifyingPlant Placement- Indoor/OutdoorPlant Height- Upto 3 InchesGrey Fox Ceramic PotPot Dimensions- 2.5 x 3 InchesFicus Compac..
Ficus Compacta Plant In Floral Mosaic Design Pot
Product Details:Plant Name- Ficus Compacta PlantPlant Type- Airpurifying FoliagePlant Placement- Indoors and Outdoors bothPlant Height- Upto 4 inchesPowder Coated Table Top Metal Pot with Mosaic workP..
Ficus Compacta Plant In Black Mosaic Pot
Product Details:Plant Name- Ficus CompactaPlant Type- Foliage & Air Purifying PlantPlant Placement- Indoor & OutdoorPlant Height- Upto 4 InchesBlack Mosaic Planter- 4 X 4 InchesFicus Plants Trivia:Ori..
Ficus Compacta Plant Black Votives Set
Product Details:Plant Name- Ficus CompactaPlant Type- Foliage & Air Purifying PlantPlant Placement- Indoor & OutdoorPlant Height- Upto 4 InchesBlack Mosaic Planter- 4 X 4 InchesBlack Mosaic Votives- 2..
Ficus Compacta Plant Black Hanging Stand N Photo Clips
Product Details : Plant Name- Ficus Compacta PlantPlant Type- Foliage/AirpurifyingPlant Placement- Indoor/OutdoorPlant Height- Upto 3 InchesWhite Ceramic Pot With Black Hanging Stand with Photo ClipsF..
Ficus Compacta In Metal Pot
Product Details:Plant Name- Ficus CompactaPlant Type- Foliage/AirpurifyingPlant Placement- Indoor & OutdoorPlant Height- Upto 4 InchesYellow Powder Coated Orchid Metal Pot Pot Dimensions - 2.5 X 2.5 X..
Ficus Compacta In Brass Pot Hand Delivery
Product Details: Plant Name- Jade PlantPlant Type- SucculentPlant Placement- Indoors & OutdoorsPlant Height- Upto 5 inchesBrass Metal Orchid PotPot Dimensions- 3 x 3 inchesJade Plants Trivia:Jade Plan..
Ficus Bonsai Plant
Take your interior a notch higher by opting for this incredible set of ficus bonsai plants that blends absolutely with almost all modern styles. These plants come in a different color vase along with ..
Ficus Bonsai In Sea House Planter
Product Details:Plant Name- Ficus Ginseng BonsaiPlant Type- Bonsai/Air PurifyingPlant Placement- Indoors & OutdoorsPlant Height- Upto 7 inchesOne Resin PlanterPot Colour- Blue & WhitePot Dimensions- 4..
Classic Ficus Bonsai Plant With Ceramic Vase
Revamp your house with the fantastic style of houseplant and satiate your house needs with the best of décor. We have come up with this stylish ficus bonsai plant. This plant is famous for its unique ..
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)