Awesome Ficus S-shaped Bonsai Plant

Awesome Ficus S-shaped Bonsai Plant


Product Description

Fabulous tree like appearance plant! Yes, it is the s-shaped bonsai plant that mimic the full-size tree. This plant symbolizes peace and harmony to the home. It is very guests giggling and also beneficial to health in many ways. They have shiny and waxy foliage where a branch is highly visible. It is one of the most popular bonsai plant for home décor. So, just place an order and have it.


  • Plant Type- Bonsai
  • Plant Location – Indoor
  • Vase Material- Plastic (White)
  • Vase Height – 5 inches
  • Caring Points: : Plant should be kept moist at all the time. Be careful to avoid overwatering. Add the fertilizer annually to the soil. As plants are natural therefore their size may vary at the time of delivery. For flowering plant, flower may be fully bloomed, semi-bloomed or in bud-stage.
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